Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

The Missing Lessons From the Way - 8 - 26

(For Adam Ostrowski.)

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 26

Creation will take whatever time is allotted.
and no matter how long you have, the final week it will seem like it'll never be ready. But opening night the show is born whatever shape, form or sex it is. And you'll have to love it.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 25

It is paramount that you actually want to be on stage and that the crowd feels it.

Once you can telegraph this you'll have a perfect foundation to build your act on.


Lessons from the way of the Showman - 24

Aim to discover one new moment each time you do your act.

One reaction from the crowd that's new, an extra groan, an unexpected laugh - remember it and recreate it.
After 12 shows you'll need to lengthen your music or eliminate the weakest bits. You now have a natural selection happening. Your act is adapting and evolving.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 23

Turning seemingly facile novelties into unexpectedly moving spectacles, that is the power of the Way.

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The audience is the showman's director, watch them watching you.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 21

Failure is inevitable if you're doing something complicated.

If you try something and get it the first time - complicate it and do it whilst doing something else and you might have the beginning of an act.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman – 20

To create imagined worlds you must know reality.

As a Showman's craft is infused with with make-believe he should make an effort to also explore reality.

A healthy study of the world can only enhance the Showman's imagination.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 19

A show is artificial

to deny this is a lie
a rockstar being himself in casual clothing
is more phony than a clown
in make up and a red nose


Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 18

The premiere of an act is its birth.

The rehearsals is the pregnancy, where all is developed out of sight. At birth the act is full of life, its beautiful (in its own way,) but has yet to find its feet. In time it will grow strong and wise.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman – 17

Difference is the fuel of evolution.

Tiny individual differences drive life onward. This is what we celebrate in the Sideshow.
The Carnival is place where being different makes you stronger.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 16

In theater less is more, in sideshow less is not enough.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 15

Collective learning made us humans different.

We have learnt since we became human OR we became humans when we could communicate learning. One person telling others. This was the roots of the Show Man.


Lesson from the Way of the Showman – 14

By mastering the Craft the Showman creates Art.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 13

The Showman is an honest liar.

Real or not is the heart of the Carnival.
I am a Showman and EVERYTHING I say is a lie - Everything.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman – 12

The Showman is a dream weaver.

His Craft is his loom, the fabric his Art and the weaving happens in the Show.
The Showman uses his Craft to weave dreams into reality creating Art in the process.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 11

The showman’s art is not physical it is spiritual,

relating to the human soul.
When the show is done, the show is gone - from the physical world.
Remaining only in the Crowd's hearts.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 10

A sculptor's Art is shaping clay.

The Showman's Art is molding human minds.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 9

a show is imagination made real

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 8


Showman            Crowd

There is a significant relationship between a Showman, his Craft, and the Crowd.

The link between the Crowd and the Showman is the Craft of Showmanship. From this link the Crowd gives the Showman's otherwise useless skills Meaning and simultaneously the Craft can be deeply Meaningful for the Crowd.