Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

Card Off

Effect: A card escapes from a string.

Secret: A card and an envelope have a hole in their centre. The envelope is secretly prepared with a slit at the bottom. Put the card in the envelope but secretly push it part way out of the slit. This is hidden by your hands. Seal the envelope. Push the string through the hole. Secretly push the card back into the envelope. Ask two spectators to each hold one end of the string. Cut the bottom off the envelope and pull out the card. It seems that the card has penetrated the string by magic.

Card Code

Effect: You identify a chosen card.

Secret: Place nine cards on the table. The suits do not matter but the values must be the Ace to the Nine. While you are out of the room, someone chooses any one of the nine cards. When you return, you know immediately which card has been chosen because you have a secret assistant who holds a pack with a Nine showing. They secretly indicate the value of the chosen card to you by the position of their thumb over one of the nine pips.

Calculated Discovery

Effect: You remove cards from your pocket to the value of a chosen card.

Secret: Put the Ace of Clubs, Two of Hearts, Four of Spades and Eight of Diamonds in your pocket. Have the pack shuffled then put it in your pocket. Ask someone to name a card. The four cards you hid can represent any card. For the Six of Clubs you take out the Four and the Two to make six and the Ace to show Clubs. For the Queen of Diamonds take the Eight and the Four to make 12 and point to the Eight of Diamonds and so on.

Bewildering Beaker

Effect: A beaker vanishes.

Secret: The beaker is glued to a small wooden tray. In the centre of a scarf sew a circle of cardboard. Show the beaker then cover it with the scarf or handkerchief. Lift the scarf (holding the cardboard disc so it looks as if you are holding the rim of the beaker) and turn the tray towards you. Stand the tray against something on your table – with the beaker side away from the audience. Everyone believes you are holding the beaker. Throw the scarf in the air and catch it as it falls – the beaker has vanished.

Beads Of Mystery

Effect: You mend a broken necklace by magic.

Secret: There are two threads in the necklace – one through all the beads and the other through all but one. Tie one knot at the top of the short thread and two knots on the long thread. Show the beads then cut off the bottom bead. The beads slide off the long thread into a glass on your table. It looks as if the beads are all separate. Pretend to drop the loose thread into the glass but secretly keep it in your hand. Make a magic pass and then show the beads magically rethreaded.

Baffling Bands

Effect: Three loops of paper are cut with surprising results.

Secret: You need three strips of paper, each about five centimetres by one metre. Glue the ends of the first strip together to form a loop. Do the same with the second strip but give one end a half turn before gluing the ends. In making the third loop give the paper one complete turn before gluing. Cut down the centre of the first loop with a pair of scissors. This will make two loops as one would expect. When the second loop is cut in the same way it forms one extra large loop and the third one produces two loops linked together.

Appearing Wand

Effect: From a small purse you produce a large solid magic wand or pencil.

Secret: Obtain a small money purse and cut a small hole at the bottom.

Presentation: Have the wand partly up your sleeve and the other end inside the purse, through the hole. Show the purse, then open it and slowly pull out the large wand. This impressive illusion should be practiced in front of a mirror. It is a real fooler and worth the extra trouble in obtaining a suitable purse.

Anti-Gravity Matches

Effect: A box of matches is opened and the drawer held upside down. The matches defy the laws of gravity and do not fall out – until you command them to.

Secret: Wedge a match across the drawer of a box of matches. You will probably have to shorten the match to do this. When you take the drawer from the box, hold it by the sides to keep the secretly-wedged match in position. Command the matches to fall and release the pressure on the wedged match. All the matches fall from the box on your command.

Anti-Gravity Cards

Effect: Several playing cards adhere to your hand, until you tell them to fall off.

Secret: You need to make a special card. It is simply an ordinary card with a tab cut from another card attached to its back. The special card is first placed face up on your palm and the tab is gripped between your fingers. Arrange some more cards between the special card and your hand as shown. Turn your hand over and the cards will appear to be sticking to it – until you let go of the tab.

An Impossible Escape

Effect: A handkerchief escapes from a sealed tumbler.

Secret: A coloured handkerchief is placed in a tumbler. It has a fine thread attached to one corner which hangs over the outside of the glass. A second handkerchief is placed on top of the first. Another handkerchief is placed over the glass and secured with an elastic band. Reach under the handkerchief covering the glass and pull the secret thread, pulling the coloured handkerchief from the glass into your hand. Pull it into full view then remove the elastic band and covering handkerchief to prove that the coloured handkerchief really did escape.

An Expensive Roll

Effect: A bread roll is broken open and a coin is found inside.

Secret: Hold a coin on the fingers of your right hand. The audience must not know this, so keep it hidden. When you are at the dinner table take a bread roll and place it directly on top of the concealed coin. Bend the roll downwards between your hands. This causes an opening in the bottom of the roll. Force the coin into this opening.Now break the roll from the top. As the roll breaks, the coin appears from the middle of the roll.

Aces Discovery

Effect: You hold a shuffled pack behind your back and locate the four Aces

Secret: Secretly remove the Aces from the pack. Push them into a paper clip which is pinned to the inside of your coat at the rear. When you want to show the trick, hand the pack to someone to be shuffled. When the cards are returned to you, hold them behind your back and say you are about to attempt the impossible. Secretly remove the Aces from the hidden clip and bring them forward one at a time as if you have searched through the pack for them.

A Phantom Message

Effect: Someone's name mysteriously appears written on your arm.

Secret: Secretly find out someone's name and write it on the back of your forearm with a piece of soft soap before you perform this effect. This will be invisible to our audience until your rub some cigarette ash or soot over it. At the appropriate moment during your performance, you can dramatically reveal this name!

A Neat Escape

Effect: You escape from a rope.

Secret: Ask someone to tie your wrists together with a large scarf. A long length of soft rope is now placed between your wrists and someone holds the ends. Another scarf is thrown over your bound wrists. As soon as your hands are out of sight move your hands back and forth to cause the rope to form a loop between your wrists. Keep working the rope until you can get one hand into the loop. When you have done this ask the person who is holding the rope to pull – the rope will come free and yet your wrists are still securely tied!

A Capital Prediction

Effect: A capital city is chosen. Inside an envelope which has been on full view is a paper naming the city selected.

Secret: Write a capital city on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Capital cities are called and you write them down on slips of paper which are folded and dropped into a box. In fact you write the same name on every slip – the name of the city in the sealed enveloped. Someone picks a slip and calls out the chosen city. The envelope is opened to show you knew which city would be chosen.

David Blaine: Card Tricks

2 of a Kind

Effect: The magician picks out two cards. He has a spectator cut the deck. He flips over the cards that he picked, and then he flips over two cards of the deck that was cut. The cards match.

Method: Shuffle the deck so the spectator doesn't think you've rigged it. Tell them you will pick two cards. Go through the deck making sure you look at the bottom and the top cards of the deck. Pick out a card that matches the bottom card. (If the bottom card is a Four of Hearts, you would pick out the Four of Diamonds to match it.) Then pick out a card that is the same as the top card. Ask the spectator to cut the deck. Take the first card, the one on top of the original top of the deck, and flip it over. Flip the bottom half of the deck over completely. Flip over the cards you picked. They all match!

4 Friendly Kings

Do the first 3 steps away from your audience or pre-prepared.

1: Take the four Kings out of the deck, and also two other cards.
2: Fan the four Kings out, and place the two other cards you selected behind the second King. Line them up so your audience cannot see the two other cards.
3: Show the Kings to the spectators.
4: Place the Kings (and the two secret cards) face down on the top of the deck.
5: Tell the audience that the four kings are good friends, and they don't let anything get between them.
6: Place the top King on the bottom of the deck. You may show the audience this card.
7: Place the next card (not a King) into the centre of the deck. 8: Repeat step 7.
9: Leave the fourth card on the top. You may show the audience that it is a King.
10: Explain that the Kings are real good friends and will soon be back together.
11: Cut the deck in the middle, and put the bottom half on the top.
12: Search the deck for the four Kings. They have been magically moved next to each other.

49er Fools Gold

Effect: Spectator selects a card from among 49 lying on the table, and the magician is able to find it, and even bet some fools gold on it.

Card Trick: No preparation necessary. From an ordinary deck of cards (without the jokers) have a spectator select any three cards. Throw these aside while explaining "Those three cards we aren't going to use." Then deal the remaining 49 cards face up in seven rows of seven cards. Overlap the cards in each column so that they're all visible and can be slid together without disarranging their order. Deal quickly so the audience knows you can't memorize them. Have the spectator mentally select one of the cards and show you the column it's in. Scoop up the column it up, taking care not to disturb the order of the cards. Then scoop up the other columns, keeping the mystery column in the middle of the group (column, column, column, mystery-card column, column, column, column). Again do this quickly so that there is no time for memorization. Deal the cards again in seven rows of seven cards and again ask which column the mystery card is in.
No matter which column is selected, you will know that the mystery card is the middle (4th) card in that column. You can glance at the middle card of the picked column as you scoop it up, again being careful not to disturb the order of the cards and picking up the mystery-card column so that it is the middle column.
Fools Gold ending: Start dealing the cards face up, scattering them on the table. The 25th card will be the mystery card, but continue past it for about four more cards. I make it look as though I've completely screwed up the trick. I then challenge the spectator: "I'll bet you 500 pounds of fools gold that the next card I turn over is the one you chose." Since the mystery card is already lying face up on the table, most people will jump at the bet and may even bet real money. Then reach into the mess on the table and turn the mystery card face down. A guaranteed jaw dropper.

Ending variations:
1: Just turn over 24 cards, then issue the fools gold challenge. The 25th card will be the mystery one.
2: After the second deal, the mystery column can be picked up first (mystery column, column, column, column, column, column, column), second or third. If the mystery column is first, count three cards off deck and the fourth card will be the mystery card. If it's second, show the 11th card; if it's third, show the ISth card.
3: After the second deal, pick up the mystery-card column first (so that it's is on top of the deck). Put the deck behind your back and take the first three cards off the top of the deck and place them on the bottom. Take the mystery card and flip it over, face up, and insert into middle of the deck. Then bring out the deck, place it on the table, and tap your finger on deck, saying, "Roll over, roll over, red-rover, roll over." Then pass the deck to the spectator and tell him (or her) that his card should be easy to find. The mystery-card has flipped over in the middle of the deck, to his astonishment.

A Poker Player's Picnic

You shuffle a deck of regular cards and hand them to the spectator. The spectator cuts the deck into 4 piles. He picks up the first pile and fools with the order of the cards, then repeats this action for the other 3 piles. When you turn over the top cards of each pile, the spectator sees that they are all aces.
First say this or something like it to the spectator: "You know that cheating at poker is really very easy, don't you? You look like a good poker player. I'm sure you are able to cheat pretty good, right? Well, let's see if we can uncover your hidden talent."
1: Before you begin, place all 4 aces on top of the deck.
2: Shuffle the deck a few times, using a fake overhand shuffle or any other fake shuffle that will protect the top 4 cards.
3: Give the cards to the spectator and have him cut the deck into 4 piles (one of which contains all 4 aces).
4: Label the 4 packets A, B, C, and D (D containing the 4 aces).
5: Tell the spectator to pick up packet A, take 3 cards from the top and place them on the bottom, then deal a card from the packet he is holding onto each of the other three packets (B, C, D).
6: Repeat step S for the other 3 packets.
7: Remark that you have in no way manipulated the cards and the spectator cut the deck himself into 4 piles.
8: Finally, turn over the top card of each pile and to his astonishment, each card is an ace.
Tell him that you knew he was a good poker cheater all along and leave him in awe

Ace Party

Effect: With the spectator's help, you make four piles of cards. When this is done you flip over all the piles and all four Aces are there.

Preparation: Arrange the deck like so: three Aces on the bottom and one on the top.

Presentation: Ask the spectator to tell you when to stop putting down cards. Begin dealing cards face down on the table. Continue until they have you stop. After the first pile is down, stick the card deck, still in your hand, under the table and put the bottom card on top. This gives you an Ace on the top. Repeat the above steps until you have four piles. Then flip over all the piles to show an Ace on the bottom of each!

After Drinks

EFFECT: The audience is given two random cards. They look at them, but the magician doesn't see them. The audience inserts the cards into the deck, and without shuffling; the magician throws the deck into a chair, but somehow manages to pick up the two cards, holding them up in front of the gaping audience members.

HOW IT'S DONE: This is a trick of the mind. You prepare the deck this way: pick two cards of different suits, but the same colour, such as the Eight of Spades, and the Three of Clubs. These are the cards you are going to give to the audience. Next, pick the "opposites" of the cards: the Eight of Clubs, and the Three of Spades. These are the cards you will fool your audience with. Put the opposite cards at the top and bottom of the deck - Eight of Clubs on top, Three of Spades on bottom. And the "real" cards both go on top.
Without too much explanation, deal the two top cards out, face down, and let the audience look at them. Next, let them insert the cards back into the deck.
Make sure they can see that you're not doing ANYTHING to the deck. Hold the deck between your thumb on top, and your fingers on the bottom. Swing the deck back and forth a few times (make SURE they can't see the bottom card, though!) Perhaps you count 1, 2, 3, and then throw the deck into a chair (or couch, or something, where it'll be easy to pick up.) As you throw the deck, hold onto the top and bottom card with your thumb and middle finger. IMMEDIATELY hold the cards up for all to see.
It helps if you position yourself so that the audience doesn't turn their heads around to watch where you threw the cards. You should be close to the chair you throw the deck into, so you can draw their attention back to the two cards you held onto.
They picked the Eight of Spades, Three of Clubs - but you are holding the Eight of Clubs, Three of Spades. It's VERY rare that anybody notices. And if the audience is drunk, you get a lot of "Ohrnygaaawd, how'd he DO that?" and gaping mouths... Great trick!

All The Aces

Effect: The spectator cuts the deck into four piles. From each pile three
random cards are dealt onto each of the other piles. The top card of each pile is turned over to reveal all four Aces.

Preparation: Put all four aces onto the top of the deck.

1: Tell the spectator to cut the deck into two piles. Once he has done that, have them divide the two piles into four.
2: We will call the piles numbers one to four; four being the top pile with the Aces. (Don't tell the spectator these numbers. They are just for us to keep track of things.)
3: Have the spectator pick up pile one, put the top three cards onto the bottom, and deal the (now) top three cards onto the other piles (two, three, and four. One card to each pile.)
4: The spectator continues, in order, to do the same with the other piles. (You just point to each pile, when you want them to use it.)
5: There IS no S, you're done! Just turn over the top cards to reveal the Aces!

Amazing Ace stopper: Ultimate Card Trick

Effect: The magician riffles down through a borrowed deck and tells a spectator to say stop at any point. The magician cuts off the cards above that point, turns them face up, and replaces them on the deck. Then he spreads the deck from the top until he reaches the first face down card. The magician puts this card face down on the table. He repeats this process three times. When the four card are flipped over, they are found to be all four aces!!!!!
Before the trick starts, remove the four aces and any two other cards. Make two face-up piles of two aces each. Lay one odd card on each pile. Pick up one pile of three cards, turn it face down, and lay it on the other pile. Pick up all six cards and lay them on top of the face-down deck. You're ready to present the trick.
Starting below the top 6 cards, riffle your finger down the edge of the deck and ask the spectator to say stop. Keep the deck squared up so he (or she) won't see the 3 face-up cards. At the point where he says stop, remove all the cards above it carefully, turn them upside down, and replace them on the deck. Then look through the deck from the top down. When you get to the first face-down card, put it face down on the table. (It will be an ace.) Turn the face-up cards face down and put them on the bottom of the deck. Repeat this 3 times, being careful not to reveal the secret face-up cards and the spectator will always stop on the 4 aces. Don't repeat it to the same crowd!
Editor's suggestions: It's hard to keep the audience from glimpsing one of the secret face-up cards when you're fanning down through the deck. I've found that you needn't give the audience a full view of the fan until you've found the first face-down card. You can hold the fan horizontally and look down at it so that it's edgewise to the audience. When you find the first face-down card, you can make sure that no secret cards are showing before you tip down the fan and show it to the spectators. You can also increase your safety margin by putting two odd cards on each stack of aces rather than one. This gives you more leeway when you're fanning down through the cards. Note that if you do this, the first face-up card will appear S cards above the point where you cut the deck.

Any Way You Count 'Em

Shuffle the cards well. Holding them face down, turn over the top card and place it face up on the table. Think of it as a stack. Starting with its face value, deal face up on top of it as many more cards as needed to reach 10. For instance if it's a 3, deal seven cards on top of it; if it's a S, deal five cards. Face cards count as 10, so no more cards are needed. An ace counts as 1 and needs nine more cards. Continue making stacks as above, keeping them separate, until the deck is exhausted. If there are not enough cards to complete a final stack, keep that incomplete stack in your hand. Now choose at random any three stacks that contain at least four cards each, and turn these stacks face down. Gather all the remaining cards in any order and add them to the cards (if any) in your hand. Pick any two of the three face-down stacks on the table, and turn up the top card on each of those two piles. Add their values together. Discard that many cards from those in your hand, and then discard 19 additional cards. Count the remaining cards in your hand. Now turn up the top card of the third stack. Its value will equal the number of cards in your hand.

Appearing Card

Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, place the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom of the deck and ask the spectator if any of those are his. None are. These are laid on the table, one of the cards is flipped over, and the selection appears on the table.

How It's Done:
Ask a person to shuffle the cards and then choose one card. Have them give you the deck. Take three cards from the bottom. Tell the spectator to put their card on top of those three, then to place the four cards at the bottom of the deck.
Shuffle the deck, but be sure to keep the four bottom cards in the same spot. Shuffle the cards a couple of times. Now take the first bottom card and place it face down on the table. Take the new bottom card and put it at the top of the deck. Place the other two bottom cards face down on the table. The last card you put down is the spectator's card. Be sure you have that card at the top of the tabled pile. Set the rest of the deck aside.
Pick up the tabled cards. Square them up, and hold them so the spectator can see the face of just the bottom card. Ask if this is their card. They will say no. Lower the cards so they are in dealing position and quickly deal the top card (actually their card) onto the table. If you do this naturally, without comment, they will think you dealt the card you just showed them.
Show them the top card from those in your hand, and ask if it is theirs. Again they will say no. Lay this card on the table. Finally, show them the last card in your hand and ask if it's the selection. When they say no, put this card onto the other two. Ask them what their card was. When they tell you, use the other two cards (like a spatula) to flip their card face up on the table. You have made their card appear!

Assistance Needed

Effect: You lay out a bunch of cards on the table and have a member of your audience pick one. Your assistant goes out of the room while this is done. The assistant is called back in and knows the person's card! This is repeated.

Card Trick:
1: Have an assistant with you who knows exactly how the trick works.
2: Lay out ten cards in the same layout as the spots on a 10 card (four on each side and two in the middle). The card in the upper left-hand corner must be a 10. (Editor's suggestion: After the audience has shuffled the deck, look through it--perhaps pretending to find and remove any jokers-- find a 10, and casually cut the deck so that the 10 is on top. Turn the deck face down and deal the top ten cards into the layout, starting in the upper left-hand corner.)
3: Have your assistant leave the room. Ask an audience member to help you with the trick. Have the person point to one of the cards.
4: Call your assistant back into the room and start pointing to cards one by one, saying "Is it this card?" until the assistant stops you. (Or the assistant might stop you and identify the card any time after you've pointed to the first few cards.) The secret is that when you point to the first card, which must be the 10 in the upper left-hand corner, you point to the symbol (diamond, heart, etc.) whose position on the 10 card corresponds to the position of the selected card among the cards on the table. Therefore, your assistant knows the person's card as soon as you've pointed to the first card, the 10.
5: If you want an even more amazed response from your audience, tell the audience member to try to trick your assistant at one point by not picking a card. When you start pointing to the cards again with your assistant, point to the empty space in between the two middle symbols on the 10 card! This will have your audience thinking for hours on hand!

Editor's suggestion: You should probably point to the cards in the same sequence every time: start in the upper left corner and proceed through the layout from left to right and from top to bottom. Otherwise the audience can easily invent other ways the trick might work such as pointing to the selected card after pointing to any three others.

Back Flip

EFFECT: Audience member picks a card, which the magician does not see. The audience member inserts the card back into the deck. Next the magician drops the card onto a table-top, and the card jumps out of the deck, face up!

Shuffle the deck so that everyone can see you are not preparing the deck in any way. (Don't comment on this, just do it.)
Fan out the cards in your hand, and have someone pick a card. While they look at the card, you do two quick, easy maneuvers:
1: Quickly move the top card to the bottom, while flipping it face up. You're left with a deck with the bottom card upside down.
2: Turn the whole deck over. You're left with an upside down deck, but because the (now) top card is reversed, it looks like a regular deck.
Now hold the deck out (make sure you don't fan the cards at all - you don't want to reveal that you're really holding onto an upside down deck.) Have them insert their card.
Turn around (yeah, this part is kind a cheesy, but it works fine, especially on kids.) Turn the top card back over so it faces the same as the rest of the deck. Scan through the deck to find the upside down card that the audience member just inserted.
Here's the BIG FINALE that really makes this trick worth it: put the card on top of the deck, and hold onto the deck from above. You are about to drop it, flatly, onto a table top. BUT slide the top card back off the deck by a quarter-inch (this will be covered by your hand). Then, drop the deck from about two feet up. The deck will hit the table, and the top card (the selected card) will flip over. This is a real crowd-pleaser.

Best Friends

Effect: Two cards are randomly picked from the deck, and inserted face up in the deck in two different places. The magician runs through the deck and drops the face-up cards on the table, and the top two cards are the mates of the two selected cards.

Set-up: Put deck in Best Friends order. See below.

Performance: Spread the deck and have a card selected. Cut all cards above selected card to the bottom. Have card removed and replaced on top of the deck, face up. Undercut half the deck and peek bottom card. If it is a mate to the selected card, remember that the selected card is a before card. If it is not a mate, the selected card is an after card. Repeat this 2 or 3 times; if you do it more times than that, it can be hard to remember what cards are what. After each choice, you can give the effect of mixing the cards by giving the deck several complete cuts.
Now run through the deck. When you get to the first face-up card, cut the deck and drop the card on the table. If it's an after card, put your right-hand packet on the bottom of the deck. If it's a before card, slip the bottom card of your right-hand packet to the top of your left-hand packet, and put the rest of your right-hand packet on the bottom of the deck.
Then find the next face-up card. Again cut the deck with your right hand and drop the card on the table. Here comes the tricky part. If the face-up card is an after card, slip the top card of the left-hand packet to the top of your right-hand packet. Then put the right-hand packet on top of the deck.
If the card is a before card, you must transfer the bottom card in your right-hand packet to the top of the same packet. Slip it with your right fingers to the top of the left-hand packet and then with your left thumb to the top of your right-hand packet in one quick motion. Then put your right-hand packet on top of the deck. With a little practice these moves can be done smoothly, and with some quick talking your audience will never figure it out.

Bottoms Up

Ask a spectator to shuffle cards. When he/she hands them back to you note the bottom card. That is "their card." Start by fanning the cards out. Run your finger across them and ask the spectator when to stop. When he/she says to stop, put your thumb on that point.
The Trick: While your thumb is on that point, use your other fingers to slowly work the bottom card under your thumb. As you pull the cards off the top of the deck with your thumb, slide the bottom card under the other cards and pull them off the deck and show the spectator his/ her card. This is where you take over. Since you already know the card you can have the spectator cut, shuffle, ect.

My favourite ending: Start flipping the cards from the top of the deck over onto the table. When you flip their card say, "I'll bet you a million bucks that the next card I flip over will be yours!" They'll think you messed up because their card is already flipped over on the table. If they know about card tricks they will think that you used their card as a key card. When they say, "Make it two million and you're on!" flip their card, which is already on the table, face down. They'll be dumbfounded.

Build The Houses

Deal 3 cards face up in a row, and continue dealing until you have 3 columns of 7 cards each. Ask the spectator to remember any one of the visible cards and to point out its column. Close up each column and combine them into a packet of 21 cards, putting the selected column between the other two. Again deal the 3 columns and have the spectator point to the one with his (or her) card. Again collect the 3 columns with the selected column between the others, and deal them out again. But this time, when the spectator points out the column, pick up that column first and put the other two on top of it.
Now it is time to build the houses. To build a house, deal one card face down at your left and another card about an inch to its right. Then deal a card horizontally at the top of the first two, and another horizontally about an inch below it. You have created a square with a little square open space in the middle.
In exactly the same way, build another house to the right of the first one, another one to its right, and so on. There will be enough cards to build S houses with one card left over. Put that card in the deck. (The spectator's card is the card at the right in the 5th house.)
Now here is how you make the trick seem unbelievable. But don't do it more than a couple times because the spectator might catch on. There are S houses. To find the spectator's card you have to eliminate all the other houses and cards. Tell the spectator to pick three houses. If his (or her) three choices include the house with the selected card, take away the other two houses. If the spectator's three choices do not include the card, take those three houses away. Then ask him to pick 2 houses (if there are 3 left), or 1 house (if there are only 2 left). Do this till there is only one house, the house with the selected card. Ask the spectator to pick 2 cards. If he picks the top and bottom, take them away. If he picks left and right, keep them. You know the drill now. Ask him to pick one more card. If he picks the card, keep it, if not, throw it away, and boom, there is his card. Wow, we're all finished. =)

Calling the Shots

Card Trick: Glimpse the bottom card and shuffle the deck, retaining the bottom card in place, while you tell your friend or guest that you are going to make him (or her) pick cards out of the deck without looking at them. (False shuffles: If you riffle shuffle, remember which half was the bottom of the deck and drop the bottom card of this half first. If you overhand shuffle, when you lift the cards with your right hand, hold back the bottom card with your left fingers.)
Let's assume that the bottom card is the 3 of diamonds.
Set the deck on a table. Tell the guest that you want him to pick some cards out of the deck but not to look at them.
Tell him to draw the top card of the deck and put it face down on the table. Act like you're concentrating and say, "It is the 3 of diamonds." Pick it up, look at it and say, "I am right."
Don't let your guest see the card. At this point he probably thinks you are faking it. Before you put the card face down on the table, memorize it. We'll assume that it's the 2 of spades.
Now tell your friend to pick any card in the middle of the deck. This one really gets them. Your guest flips eagerly through the deck and pulls out any card and lays it face down on the table.
Concentrate again and say that this is the 2 of spades. Look at it and say, "I am right again. 2 out of 2." Don't let him see the card. Let's say that it is really a queen of hearts. Put the card face down on the table.
Tell your friend to draw the bottom card off the deck and lay it face down. Once he has done this, concentrate and say that it is the queen of hearts. Once again check your result and say, "I am right."
At this point your guest is very skeptical. You ask, "What cards did I ask you to pick out of the deck?" Grab the three cards and through a little sleight of hand rearrange them so they are in the same order as you called them. (Editor's suggestion: If you lay the second card on top of the first, you can just scoop the third card under the other two to put them in the right order.)
As he names each of the cards, drop it in front of him. Say you were able to hypnotize them or something to make them draw those cards. For added effect as they draw tell them the card. Have them draw three or four times from the middle of the deck and tell them each time they drew the same card. In the end it will look like they had.

Card Transposition

Effect: You put a card in your pocket, and one in the spectator's hand. Then the cards change places.

Card Trick: Pick up two cards from the top of the deck and make them look as if they were one. Show it to the audience, say the name of the card (we'll assume that it's the Queen of Spades) and put it back on the deck. Take the card that is really on top and put it in your pocket. Do another double lift, show this card and name it, and put it back on the deck. Take off the top card (which is actually the one that you supposedly put in your pocket), lay it on the spectator's hand, and tell him (or her) to put his other hand over it like a sandwich. Palm the top card and say, "I am going to take out the Queen of Spades." Put your hand in your pocket, take out the card you just palmed and show it as you say, "Turn your card over." When they do it looks as if your card and their card changed places.


Effect: To guess someone's card by memorizing order of deck.

Preparation: Before the performance, set the cards in this order: 8, K, 3, 10, 2, 7, 9, 5, Q, 4, A, 6, J. Also in suit order: Clubs, Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds. To remember numeric orders simply memorize this: "8 kings threatened to save 95 queens 4 1 sick knave*." To remember the suit order, use CHaSeD (Clubs, Hearts, Spades, Diamonds.)

Card Trick: When someone picks a card, sneak a peek at the card above it. Now you should know what their card is. You can also let them return their card, and look for a card out of place.

Count Down

Trick Description: You shuffle the deck several times and then ask a person to tell you when to STOP when they think you drop ten cards. You then count the correct amount of cards actually dropped. You then tell them to memorize the top card and put it back into the deck shuffling anyway they want to. You then fan all the cards out in a spiral towards the middle and pick their card out for them.

How Its Done:
1: Shuffle the card deck a lot, memorizing the bottom card. Depending on the war you shuffle, you should be able to keep a certain card always on the bottom. I usually lead with the right hand first so that is always the bottom card no matter how many times you shuffle. If you lose the card, keep shuffling until you memorize the bottom card.
2: Since you now know what the bottom card really is, it is a simple job getting the other person to pick the card. When you drop cards, no matter how many you drop, you should count the DROPPED cards back to them and eventually the bottom card will be on top.
3: After they shuffle and give the cards back to you, throw the cards out in a pattern to confuse them, and then show them their card.

Criss Cross

1: First, shuffle or let the spectator shuffle.
2: Go through the deck and memorize the top card (Let's say it is the ace of clubs). As an excuse for fanning through the deck, you can say that you need to remove your "unlucky card" (which can be any one except the top card).
3: Have the spectator cut the deck and place the top pile on the table. You then pick up the bottom pile and lay it on the other pile in a cnss cross manner.
4: Say something to the spectator to take his mind off what you just did, such as "You had the freedom to cut a big pile or a little pile." Make eye contact.
5: Say "O.K. Now look at your card." Point to the top card of the lower pile. You now know that the spectator's card is the ace of clubs.
6: Now you can have him shuffle or cut and then use any way of presenting his card to him.
This is an easy trick, but you'll get a great response!

Cut To It

Effect: The spectator picks a card, puts it on the top of the deck, cuts the deck, and the magician finds the card.

How it's done:
All you have to do is have a glimpse at the bottom card of the deck. Ask the spectator to take any card. After he does, ask him to put it on top of the deck, and to do a complete cut of the deck, putting the bottom part of the deck onto the top. You count off the cards from the top, flipping them face up until you reach what used to be the bottom card. The next one is the chosen card.

Cutting the Aces

Effect: Magician cuts a deck into four piles, turns over the top card on each pile, which turns out to be the four aces.

Card Trick: Start off with the four aces on the top of the deck, under the top two aces with your right hand. With the deck face down on the table, use your right hand to cut about half of the deck and place that half about two inches in front of the bottom half. As you bring your hand back, bring the cards above the break with you directly to the top of the first half. Using both hands now, immediately cut both halves and place them to the left and right of the first halves, forming a diamond shape. Turn the top card on both the left and right piles over and place the on the top and bottom piles, then turn the second card of the left and right piles over and place them on the left and right piles. Although you aren't actually cutting to the aces, the illusion that you are is a very strong one.

Deck Predictor

Effect: After mixing the deck of cards, the performer asks a spectator to cut the deck that is in his left hand. The spectator then places the top portion of the cards on the performer's right hand. The spectator is asked to take the top card off the portion in the performer's left hand. The spectator looks at the card without showing the performer. The performer uses his mind reading capability to tell what card has been chosen.

Card Trick:
Rigging the deck before hand: Place the cards in four piles starting with Spades then Hearts, Clubs, and finally Diamonds. Each of these piles should then be arranged, face up, in order from King on the bottom to Ace on top.
Now starting with the Spades count back until the King is showing (bottom card is now Queen then Jack, Ten etc) Next take the Hearts and count back in the same manner until the Ten of Hearts is on top. For the Clubs you need the Seven on top, and the Diamonds will have the Four on top.
One more step to complete. Take the King of Spades from its pile, turn it face down, and start a new pile. Onto this put the face down Ten of Hearts, then the Seven of Spades, and finally the Four of Diamonds. Continue to place the top cards in the same order of suits on the new pile until all the cards are placed into one pile. This completes the rigging of the deck.

Now practice your mind reading skills. Have someone cut the deck (as above) and take the top card off the left pile. You place the right half of the deck under the left half. While doing so, take a glance at the bottom card without making it obvious. Mentally count three cards up from the card you see on the bottom of the deck, and this is the value of card that was chosen. As for the suit, if a Spade is showing on the bottom then the card chosen is a Diamond. (Example: Six of Hearts is the bottom card, then the Nine of Spades is the chosen card; Ten of Clubs is on the bottom, then the King of Hearts is the chosen card.

Tips - Always tell the spectator to place the chosen card back on top of the deck after the trick is completed. Mix the cards each time you perform the trick, by cutting the deck in half, so as to appear to shuffle but not to actually change the order. If the audience asks to see the cards, flip them over and quickly run through them, as they appear to be in random order. Don't let the audience shuffle the deck. Once you have completed the trick a couple of times, really shuffle the deck well and hand it to them. While doing this trick, you might first make a "mistaken" guess to throw the audience off, after all, it's S0% your game, 20% your trick.

Do It Yourself Discovery

Effect: The spectator discovers his own card in a mysterious manner.

Card Trick: Have the spectator shuffle the cards, take half the deck and give the rest to you. "Now," you say, "while I turn my back, pick out a card, look at it, show it to everybody, and put it back on top of your pile."
Turn away and secretly turn the bottom card and the second card from the top face up.
When the spectator is done turn back. Tell the spectator to hold out his cards and place your pile on top of his. Even up the cards, and then direct him to place his arm behind his back saying, "Now I want to perform a little experiment with the cards behind your back."
Make sure that no one can see what happens behind the spectator's back and that he does not bring the cards forward. Say this to the spectator: "Take the top card ... no, put that onto the bottom, so that you know I'm not trying to fool you.
"Have you done that? All right take the next card, turn it over, and stick it in the middle. Even up the cards."
Have the spectator bring the cards forward. Take the deck and run through the cards until you come to the face up card. Ask the spectator to name his card. Turn over the next card. "As you can see you located your card yourself."
Tips: once in a great while the spectator will stick the card between the face up card and the chosen card. When you turn up the wrong card simply say: "You missed it by one," and turn up the next card.

Double Turnover

Shuffle the deck. Glimpse and remember the bottom card and lay the pack on the table. Tell the spectator to remove the top half of the deck and hold it, while you do the same with the bottom half. Tell the spectator to put his (or her) half behind his back, remove any card from the pack, and bring the card to the front.
You supposedly do the same, but actually you (1) turn your half face up, (2) turn the card you glimpsed face down on top of the face-up pack, (3) remove any other card, (4) turn it face down and (5) bring it out from behind your back. The spectator thinks this is your selected card. Tell him to look at and remember his card while you do the same. Actually, look at your card but don't remember it. Bring the pack from behind your back, holding it face up except for the card you glimpsed. Exchange the supposedly selected cards. Each of you slides the other person's card into your pack face down without looking at the card. Reach over to take the spectator's pack while turning your pack over without anyone's noticing it. Put the spectator's pack on top of yours and cut the deck (Editor's note: a little below the middle is good). Each of you names your selected card--but you actually name the card you glimpsed, not the card you took from the pack. Spread the cards. Both selected cards are face up in the deck!!

Easy Eights

You will need someone to be an accomplice in this trick. Arrange eight cards in the pattern of the symbols on the face of an eight. One of the eight cards must be an eight. While you look away, have a spectator choose a card. When you look back, have your accomplice point to a few cards, saying "was it this one?". Make sure they point to the eight, and to the symbol marking the position of the card the spectator chose. You will get it right every time.
This trick is much more effective after perplexing the spectator by doing the trick several times. The average person will think it is something the accomplice is SAVING, so they probably won't figure out the trick for a while.

Easy Pick

Use any full deck and its case. Allow a friend to shuffle the cards. Tell him/her to keep one of the cards, look at it, and give the rest back to you. Then you place the rest of the cards in the case, but leave the flap open. Ask the friend to put the card back inside of the deck. The secret to this trick is holding the case. You prevent the card from going in all the way: tighten your grip on the case, while the friend is trying to put the card in the deck. (Don't grip it too hard or the card will not be able to go in at all.) Turn your back and pull out the card that is different from the rest. It should be sticking out very slightly. Take it out and reveal the card. If you pull the deck halfway out of the case it will be easier for you to know which card is theirs.

Eight Threatening Kings

Effect: Person chooses card from deck, and magician tells person the suit and number.

Set-up: The deck is stacked. To remember its sequence of values, memorize the rhyme "Eight Kings Threatened To Save Ninety-Five Queens For One Sick Knave." The words stand for the card values 8, K, 3, 10, 2, 7, 9, 5, Q, 4, A, 6, J. ("Threatened" = 3 & 10.) To remember the sequence of suits, memorize the word "CHaSeD." Its consonants C, H, S and D stand for Clubs, Hearts, Spades, and Diamonds. Arrange the deck so that its values and suits follow these sequences over and over. For example, the top five cards are 8-Clubs, K-Hearts, 3-Spades, 10-Diarnonds, 2-Clubs, and so on.

Performance: Hold the deck and have someone select and remove any card. As he (or she) is looking at the card, cut the deck at the point where he removed it and put the top cards on the bottom. Glimpse the new bottom card. Find the word that corresponds to its value in the memorized rhyme. If the bottom card is, say, the 4 of Hearts, the word that corresponds to 4 is "for." The word following "for" in the rhyme is "one," which stands for the Ace. Next, find the bottom card's suit in the word "CHaSeD." It's H. The consonant after H in the word is S, for Spades. So the person's card is the Ace of spades.


You will need someone to act as your assistant for this. Have your assistant leave the room during the first part. Nine cards are laid out, face down, in three rows of three. Once a card has been selected, have someone call your assistant back in. When the assistant returns, you are holding the rest of the deck in your left hand. Your thumb will represent which card was chosen. Example: if the spectator chooses the card in the middle, when the assistant returned, your thumb would be directly in the middle of the deck. You will have to do this once for the row the card is in, and again for the column. The trick is to be VERY DISCRETE when holding the deck. Shuffle the deck a little so as not to draw attention to yourself. Keep a serious look on your face, and stare at the assistant, as if you actually had ESP. Let your assistant reveal the chosen card.

Find The Card The Easy Way

In these trick 16 cards are placed face up on a table, in four rows of four cards. Ask a spectator to pick a card in his mind, and to tell you only the vertical column in which the card is located. Gather up the cards, making sure to pick the fourth vertical column first. (Take the top card in your hand, face up. Pick up the second card and put it onto the first card. The third card goes on these, and then the fourth.) Place those four cards face down in a pile. Next pick up the third vertical column and place it on ton of the pile. Repeat this for the second and first columns.
Next deal out the cards in four rows of four, only this time make sure that the first four cards go into the top row, the second four cards go into the second row and so on. You must remember which column (1, 2, 3 or 4) contained the card. By remembering this you now know which horizontal row contains the chosen card. Ask the spectator to again state which vertical column (1, 2, 3 or 4) contains his card. The intersection of this column with the original row is the spectator's card. You can pick out the card immediately. In this case the spectator's answers provide us the final row and column of the card.
Most people will see through the magic in this trick in a hurry, though it might remain a mystery to first graders for a long time.

Find The Card The Hard Way

To perform this trick, you need the help of four spectators. All five of you should be seated around a table. Deal five hands of five cards each, starting with the person to your left and dealing clockwise. Ask each of the spectators to look at the hand in front of him (or her), mentally pick a card and then place the hand back on the table. He should remember the card he picked but not show it to you.
You gather up the hands. Start with the hand on your left and pick up the hands in a clockwise fashion, so that you pick up your hand last. As you pick up each hand, place it on top of your pile. Deal the cards again in the same way so that each person has five cards in front of him. You pick up each pile, one at a time, and fan it so that all four spectators can see its face. Each time, ask if anyone sees their card. If they do, place the fan on the table (without looking at the cards), pull their card from the pile and place it face down in front of them. In some hands there may be two or more participants' card, in others there may not be anyone who sees his card in that pile. Once you have picked out the cards for each spectator, go around the table turning over the four chosen cards and asking them if that is their card. Everyone will be amazed when you get all four right!
How did you do it? Simple. Because of the way you gathered up and dealt the cards, the first spectator's card is in the first position of its fan (that is, his original pile of five cards was dealt so that each one of his five cards became the top card of one of the final five piles), the second spectator's card is in the second position of its fan, etc. So if you pick up and fan a pile and spectator number four says she sees her card, then her card will be the fourth card in the fan (or the fourth card from the top of the pile).

Fool-Proof Reversed Card

Effect: A spectator chooses a card, replaces it, turn the deck over three times in their hands, snaps it, riffles it, shuffles it, whatever then they look through the deck to find it reversed.

The Method: All you need for this are two exactly alike cards in the same deck. Place one of the cards face down in a face down deck as the ninth card from the top. Place the other either 21st or towards the extreme bottom of the deck REVERSED!! Be sure never to touch the cards yourself during this trick and don't allow anyone to look through the cards for two of the same cards later, either. I find it works better if you use this deck for awhile because and extra card has unlimited uses and is hardly noticeable. Now set the deck on the table well squared and face down. Tell the spectator to choose a number between 10 and 20.(20 will not work) Tell them to count that many cards off the top of the deck, one at a time,(reversing the order) face down onto the table. Then have them add the digits together and count that many cards back off the top of the pile onto the deck. Have them flip over the next card. This is the preplaced card. Make sure everyone (including yourself) sees it. If you messed up and this isn't the right card, they will discover the secret when they come to the wrong turned up card. Have them put this on the top of the deck and then put the others back on, too. Have them cut it however many times they want, and their card probably won't turn up, but only cut it two or three times because if it turns up too early they get suspicious.
The key move is to have them turn the deck over in their hands 3 times the make them think they turned it over afterwards. Make this movement seem very important, stare at their hands intently and make sure it's three. This all adds to the effect. Now have them search through and find it. This trick is amazing to the spectator because you never touch it, and, like the name implies, is practically foolproof. I use this almost every time I do a series of tricks.

David Blaine: Bar Magic

Anti Gravity Beer

An annoying person returns from the toilet to find that their bottle of beer has been turned upside down without any beer falling out. The bottle is then handed to them when the beer spills all over the place.

You Need
A packet of cigarettes. A full bottle of beer. A beer mat. Sharp scissors or a knife. A pair of running shoes.

Take the plastic wrapper off the cigarette packet and cut a circle just big enough to cover the rim of the beer bottle, wet the rim and stick the plastic on top of the bottle. Place a beer mat on top of the bottle and holding the beer mat turn the bottle upside down. When your friend returns, it will look like the beer is defying gravity. While they are still amazed, ask them to take a seat and hand them the inverted bottle. Tap the bottom of the bottle gently and run as fast as you can, as your friend gets soaked with beer.

Everlasting Ash

A friend is challenged to see who can smoke a cigarette the longest distance without losing any ash. You Win Every Time J

You will need a packet of cigarettes and a paperclip.

Everything starts off OK, but soon they realize that they are fighting a losing battle as your entire cigarette refuses to let a single piece of ash drop! It's all in the hidden paperclip! Simply straighten it out and slide it down your cigarette (taking care not to punch a hole in the side in the process). Make sure it slightly digs into the filter so as to give it some stability. Now, snip off the end. This should give you a normal looking cigarette with no protruding wire. Light up and see for yourself. This looks great in the right context. Just lighting one up in the pub makes you an instant magnet for girls (& drunk males). Remember you can add the wire to the cigarette at ANY TIME. The cigarette 'tastes' normal (or so I'm told) so if someone thinks it is a fake let him or her have a drag. If you are a good play actor then you can pretend to cast a 'hex' upon it. Remember -a decent pub trickster always puts a really good performance when needed.

Liquor Switch

One-shot glass is filled with water and the other one with whisky. The challenge is to get the whisky in the glass that has the water and the water in the glass that has the whisky in it without using any other containers including your mouth.

You need two identical shot glasses. 1 non-porous piece of paper, like a playing card. Water and whisky of your choice.

Place the non-porous paper on top of the shot glass of water. Turn the paper and the water shot round carefully. The paper will stay attached to the shot easily. Now place the water shot, glass and paper on top of the shot of whisky, slowly and carefully, pull the paper just far enough out to make a small opening between the two glasses. Water, being heavier then alcohol, will flow to the whisky glass and displace the whisky into the water glass. You have just made the switch. If you are truly skilled at this bar tnck, you will be able to replace the paper between the two shot glasses and remove the whisky and put it back on the bar. Please make sure that the opening between the glasses is very small, as a large opening will cause the water and alcohol to mix.

Penetrating Ashes Trick

This was another tnck performed by David Blaine on his television special.

The magician takes a cigarette and rubs some of the ashes into the spectator’s clenched fist until they disappear. He then says some magic words and asks the spectator to open their fist and the ash has penetrated onto their palm.

Put some ash on your middle finger.

Tell the spectator to stand in front of you and hold their hands out towards you, palms down. Tell them to come a little closer and physically grab their hands to gently pull the person a little closer. Ask them to close their fist, borrow a lit cigarette, which you use to flick some ash on their fist and rub in until it disappears. You can then say some magic words and ask them to open their hands when the ash seems to have penetrated their fist. This trick can get a really good reaction but should only be performed once or the spectators will get wise.

Coin Island

1 glass, a matchbook, six coins, and an ashtray with water.

Bet your friends one drink that you can get the water out of the ashtray using only the ingredients mentioned and without moving or tilting the ashtray.

Make sure ashtray is filled with at most a quarter inch of water. Stack the coins in the centre of the ashtray so the top two coins are above the water. Place four unlit matches on top of the coins. Light the matches and immediately cover the flame and coins with the glass. The water will be drawn into the glass. Collect your bets.

The Bar Balance

The Challenge
To balance 3 empty beer glasses on top of each other on their outer rims, without the help of any other object whatsoever!

The Secret
Firstly the glasses should be empty and identical. The main secret of this little drink winner is that if you imagine a clock face when you look at the glasses from above you must remember 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Now the trick in 3 easy steps: Place your first glass (A) down onto the bar. Place the second glass (B) on top of (A) in the position of 10 o'clock. Now place the third glass (C) on top of (B) in the 2 o'clock position. This trick will take a bit of practice, but when you get it right a few times it gets easier. This is a great one to do in a bar just before you leave! It leaves the bar staff bewildered.

Psychic Dice

A spectator is asked to drop 3 dice into a glass of water, raise the glass over their head and count the total of the dice on the bottom. The spectator then sets the glass back down, the bartender dips his finger in the water, rubs his finger on his forehead and after a little concentrating, announces the total of the dice on the bottom to the spectators amazement.

You will need a glass of water and 3 dice.

All you have to do is add up the total of the numbers on top of the dice and subtract this total from 21. This will give you the bottom total. Amazing.

Eye Popper

This can be a real shocker.

Items Needed
A fork, knife or spoon. Coffee milk and or cream container. When you're at a restaurant with some friends and your feeling kind of down....

Very slyly grab one of those coffee milk / cream containers and hide it in your hand. Now with the other hand, pick up a knife, fork or spoon. Start talking to yourself, saying, "I hate my life, I just don't feel like I can take it anymore." Until everyone at the table starts to look at you in a weird way. Then take the hand with the container concealed in it and hold it up to your eye with the paper side down, and take the spoon and act like you're shoving it into your eye. (Take care here; it is better to use a blunt object such as a spoon handle) A bunch of white milk / cream will come squirting out on everybody. If you want to make it more dramatic scream and fall on the floor, and start having convulsions.

David Blaine: Coin Tricks

Coin Bite

The magician borrows a coin from the spectator and is seen to take a bite out of the coin.

Take a quarter and file one side of it down so it looks like someone has bitten a chunk out of it.

Approach a spectator and ask them to borrow a quarter. You have already the gimmicked quarter between your thumb and forefinger of your right hand. Take the quarter from the spectator and quietly move your finger and thumb and switch the coins. Their coin is now slid to the back of your finger. Pretend to be biting and tearing of a section of what is now your gimmicked coin and eventually tug it free from your mouth to show the spectator who should look amazed.

Vanishing Quarter

Appear to vanish a quarter through a table

A glass is covered with a paper tube. The glass and tube is then placed over a coin on the table. When the paper tube is removed, the coin has vanished and has actually travelled through the table.

You will need an ordinary glass.
Three sheets of white paper approx S inches by 12 inches.
Glue, scissors and a coin.
Place some glue round the rim of the glass and place the glass upside on a sheet of white paper and allow the glue to dry.
When the glue is dry, cut round the rim of the glass with the scissors so a paper circle covers the mouth of the glass.
Turn the glass upside down and wrap a second sheet of paper round it to from a loose fitting tube and glue this and allow to dry.
Place a coin on a third sheet of paper laid on the table and a second coin of the same value should be attached by tape or wax under the table.

Announce to a spectator that you are going to make a coin travel through a solid table. Take the paper tube and place it over the glass, which is already on the table upside down on top of the sheet of paper. Lift the tube-covered glass and place it over the coin with the glass still being upside down. Remove the tube from the glass and the coin appears to have disappeared. Give the tube to the spectator for inspection. The coin is actually under the paper rim of the glass, which is invisible as it is the same colour as the paper sheet on the table. If you wish to increase the effect you can reach under the table and remove the other coin and tell the spectator that the coin has actually travelled through the table.

Easy Coin Vanish

A coin is placed onto the table and it vanishes

Put the coin onto the table with your left hand. Say something like "check this out" and reach over with your right hand. Then press down on the coin with your middle, index and third finger with your hand and arm parallel with the table. Slide the coin towards you remembering that it should be completely covered up. Slide the coin off the table so it falls on your lap without the spectator seeing. Touch your thumb to your middle finger as if you are picking up the coin as it reaches the edge of the table. Keeping your fingers still closed, stare at where the coin should be as you slowly move your hand away from you back to about 6 inches from where the coin originally was. Start moving your thumb in a circular motion as if the coin is disappearing. Slowly turn your hand around and spread your fingers apart. Now the rest is up to you. The more surprised you act the more people will believe that they have seen a real coin vanish.

Minus Your Money

The magician clearly has three one-dollar bills and magically, one disappears leaving the two left untouched, right before the audience's baffled eyes!

Secretly take out of your pocket/purse a dollar bill and fold it over about two thirds across. Take another bill and place it over the crease of the fold hiding the fold from view. The two bills should now look somewhat like three-dollar bills.

Take the already set dollar bills in your hand and announce that you are about to do what most people dread, make your money disappear. Take the top of the two bottom edges of the dollar bill. When they are in between your thumb and pointer finger, shake the bill wildly so the top edge of the bill flops backwards making the folded bill unfold. Then, take your bills and show that three one-dollar bills have magically changed into two genuine dollar bills.

Swindled Coin

The performer removes a hand full of change from his left hand trouser pocket. He holds out the handful of change, along with a black maker, and tells the spectator to choose a coin, mark it with an X, and return it to the magicians left palm. The magician then takes the coin with his right hand, and returns the rest of the change to his left trouser pocket. The coin is then placed against the leg directly below the pocket. The coin is then rubbed into the cloth, whereupon the coin vanishes. It is found back inside the left pocket with the rest of the change.

After the spectator marks the coin, the right hand pretends to take it. In reality the coin is in your right hand covered up with another coin on top. Hold your hand in the air as if you have the coin. Hesitate for a second with your left hand so that the spectator can see that the marked coin in not in your left hand anymore (this way the spectator mentally concludes that the marked coin must be in your right hand). Place the rest of the change back into your pocket. Take the right hand and its supposed coin and place it against your leg, in the area of the left pocket. Now rub the imaginary coin into your leg. Then slowly part your right fingers to show that the coin has vanished. Reach into your left pocket and pull out the change. Ask the person what kind of coin they chose. They might say a quarter. Then go through the change and find the marked coin and put it on top and show the spectators.

Handkerchief And Coin Trick

The magician sticks the coin into the hanky, flips the handkerchief over and the coin disappears.

You secretly wrap a rubber band around your finger and thumb. Then you place the hanky in that hand. With your other hand place the coin in the hanky. Then let the rubber band slide off your fingers and onto the hanky so it surrounds the coin and it is under the hanky. Then you slide your hand up to the end of the hanky and give it a good shake. That makes it look like the coin disappeared. The coin is really held in the hanky by the rubber band, invisible to everyone as the hanky material surrounds it.

Palm Penetration

You ask the spectator to hold out his or her hand palm up. You in turn place your hand on top of theirs, palm down. With your other hand you place a quarter or other coin on top of your hand and explain to the spectator that with one quick slap of the coin you will make it pass through your hand and into theirs!

Materials Needed
2 identical coins, small piece of transparent adhesive tape or magician's wax, (for advanced magicians super fast sleight of hand will do)

When you place your hand on top of the spectators open hand, you will already have the coin in your palm. If you place your hand on theirs quickly enough, the coin will not fall nor will the spectator already feel it in their hand! You then place the other coin on top, on the back of your hand. On the palm of your hand, which is not touching the spectator, is where the tape or wax will be. Then with a quick motion, you smack the top of the coin, which actually gets stuck to the tape/wax. Slowly remove your other hand to let the surprised spectator see how it "magically" passed through your hand! For those advanced magicians out there (you know who you are) you can grab the quarter instead of using the tape/wax. If you do not wish to use the spectators hand you can do the same trick on your lap, but in their hand sells the trick much better.

French Drop!

Put your coin in your left hand. Not too hard. You can do it with your right hand. As your right covers your left, drop the coin, so it rests in your left palm. Keep the coin stuck in your palm, and make it look like the coin is in your right hand, but your lying. Its okay, this one won’t hurt you. Then, throw your "coin" at someone, and they will be stunned. Now, quickly make the coin really disappear! HEY! Okay everyone! Here's a cool, and very useful COIN TRICK: Sit at a table, without a weird edge, preferably, and take your coin (I suggest a quarter for most coin tricks) and place it on the table. Put your hand over the quarter and slowly slide towards you. When you reach the edge, with your hand still covering it, pretend to pick it up, but actually let it drop to your lap. Pretend to hold the coin, and then look like you will throw it in the air, or at someone, but it has disappeared! Suggestions, don't let anyone stand behind you, just let everyone sot down, somewhere, as long as they can’t look into your lap.

Coin to Biscuit

A borrowed, marked coin vanishes. Volunteer hands you a biscuit, and you eat up to halfway. The coin is seen in the middle of the biscuit. As the dealer ads. Would say - no duplicates, no fakes, no stooges, no specially prepared biscuits - NO PROBLEMS!

Borrow a coin from a member of the audience and get it marked. Vanish the coin in anyway you like. I personally like the bobo vanish. Retain the coin in your right hand as you show the left empty. If you have skills, show both hands empty. (I have customized a changeover palm to work with nearly any object, so try one for you!) With the coin in your right hand, ask the volunteer to give you a biscuit. Take this with your left hand. Whilst doing this, get the coin in the upper front finger clip. Pass the biscuit over into your right hand resting the biscuit on the coin.
Take the biscuit again with your left hand and press the coin flat against the back of the biscuit. Take a bite out of the biscuit, and push the coin up the back until it just sticks out the top. The owner will notice it, and you pull it out and hand it back, then eat the rest of the biscuit, and remove the coin, saying that a filling has come out, and show the coin!

Silk Handkerchief from Money

A bill is taken from your wallet, the bill is rolled into a tube shape, you reach into the rolled tube with fore finger and thumb and produce a small silk handkerchief, the bill is unrolled to show empty, then again rolled into a tube, the silk is pushed into the bill tube, once again the bill is unrolled to show empty, the hanky has vanished.

A Thumb Tip. A small silk Handkerchief that will fit into the thumb tip easily, and a dollar bill.

Load silk handkerchief in the thumb tip, when ready to perform push thumb into the thumb tip, take out wallet and remove the bill, show the bill, keeping thumb with tip behind the bill, roll the bill into a tube and around thumb tip, leaving the thumb tip in the rolled bill, reach in, slowly pull handkerchief from tube, display, push handkerchief back into the tube and into tip, push thumb into tip, steal tip from bill, unroll the bill revealing the handkerchief has vanished, return the bill to the wallet and put into pocket ditching thumb tip.

Hopping Quarter

Place a quarter in the palm of your hand, then quickly close your hands and ask the spectator which hand contains the quarter. They will always choose the wrong hand.

Turn your hands over quickly and secretly toss the quarter in the opposite
Once you perfect this it is unnoticeable and a great trick.

Coin in Wool

The performer makes a coin disappear and then reappear from centre of a ball of wool.

Vanish a coin in anyway you like (French drop, ect,). Then a coin tube is used to slide the coin into a ball of wool or yam (this is prepared ahead of time, and placed in the magician’s jacket). A spectator is asked to unravel the wool (after the magician places the coin in the slide, he secretly removes the slide and presents the wool). The coin is then presented.

Double Sided Coin

You make the spectator believe that you have a double-sided coin but it's really a regular coin!

In this trick you have a half dollar preferable or something that size. First you take the coin in your dominant had. Next you flip your hand over onto the other hand but as you do this you turn the coin over with your thumb so that the same side is up.

The DeManche Change

One coin turns into a completely different one!

You start with one finger palmed and held between your thumb and forefinger of the same hand. Move the coin in your forefinger into a thumb palm (as if closing a fist) and push the finger-palmed coin out with your thumb.

Angles are a killer so practice in front of a mirror! Also, this moue is great for switching a marked coin!

Falling Quarter
Take a quarter or other coin in your right hand. Turn to a member of the audience and ask them to stand. Hold the coin in your thumb and index finger, and say if when you count to three they can grab the coin, they can keep it. Raise the coin above your head and bring it down to the volunteer's open hand twice, counting each time aloud. On the third time lift the coin above your head and place it gently and subtly on top of your head. Bring your hand down as you did before to the level of your volunteer's open hand. They will make a swipe at the coin, but it will have vanished. Open both hands to show them its truly gone. Then tell them you'll bring back the coin. Hold their hand open and while their attention is directed to their own hand, tilt your head forward ever so slightly. The coin will drop into their hand, seemingly out of the sky.

David Blaine: Levitation

The magician raises his arms up by his sides and slowly appears to rise a few inches off the ground for a little while before returning to earth quickly.

Balducci Method
The Balducci method involves positioning your audience about 8 to 10 feet away at a 45-degree angle from you. You need to keep your audience small so they are within this field of sight. This is a very restrictive angle trick and it is essential that the angles be practised, preferably with a friend or in front of a mirror. The Balducci levitation involves pretending to float off the ground by going on to your tiptoes on just one foot (the one furthest from their view) while the nearest foot is raised a little off the ground. This looks fantastic as your trousers, the nearest foot and the angle they are watching at hide the foot on your tiptoe. You only rise a few inches off the ground but the impression is fantastic. This trick is all in the presentation with you appearing to rise slowly, wait for a second or two and then return to the ground quickly so as the audience do not have time to figure the trick out.

David Blaine Method
David Blaine used various camera shots in his TV special with the audience reaction being filmed close up and linked to other clips of him in mid air with some of the angles showing the Balducci Method. The special did not show the number of times he mucked up the illusion, which is very easy to do. The view that shows him rise a good few inches in the air and does not show the audience and would have been done with a bar attached to a pivot like a seesaw. The end of the pivot would have had a hook which clipped onto a harness attached to his belt and a member of the crew would have pushed down on the other side of the bar lifting David up in the air. The camera angle would have hidden the props. This film would have been mixed in with the audience clips in the studios later.

10 Tips to perform the perfect Balducci Levitation
1. Wear wide leg pants or slacks that come down just past your ankles. This dramatically helps cover the other foot.
2. Face the right angle - if your audience is at 6 o'clock and you are in the middle of the clock - face to 10:30 Or 11:00 away from them...
3. Only do the trick for 2 Or 3 people at a time - more than that create a bigger angle for you to deal with. Even better is only one person. You have to control which tricks you do and when. Do a trick when the deck is stacked in your faYour. Then let those few people talk and build rumours. Your reputation will be greater.
4. Don't stand too far away from your audience on the levitation... about 6 feet is good, up to about 10 feet.
5. Never, ever tell them that you are about to levitate. If you do that is will make them watch harder. You want a surprise element to it.... Almost as if they don't quite know what they saw.
6. Tell them you are going to TRY something.... It doesn't always work and you've only been able to do it twice before. Then move away to the approximate correct distance and somewhat turn your back to the 10:30 angle in order to concentrate. Then put your hands down by your sides and after a few moments slowly start to rise. Going up, hovering for a moment, and coming down should only take about 4 seconds total. Come down, look surprised yourself and say, "wow... it worked. Did you see that?"
7. If you are turned slightly to the left from them make sure your left foot remains parallel to the floor on LIFT OFF. (That's what gives a big part of the illusion is that foot's toes being up in the air,)
8. Practice rising up and down over and over.... Do it a million times – get it smooth and effortless.
9. Do a few smaller trick for them first... get them used to being affected by street magic and the fact that you can do it. Don't ever just jump into the Balducci Levitation as your first trick. Get them impacted first, and then say, "there was something I've done a couple of times, maybe I could do it now." It's especially good if you have done a couple of mind reading tricks right before it and they are thinking about the paranormal.
10. Practicing the levitation in a mirror is good, but if you have a video camera and can set it up on a tripod at eye level - exactly where your audience's eyes would be - is literally ten times better. It will improve your levitation dramatically. These tips if practiced should make your levitation skills much, much better.

Group Human Levitation

A person becomes seemingly weightless and may be lifted from a chair on the index fingers of four smaller people. Although various explanations have been proposed, this classic continues to mystify and amuse.

Stage 1
The person to be lifted (choose a fairly heavy person) should be relaxed but upright on a firm chair. Feet should be on the floor and hands on lap. The four assistants should stand two on each side, one by each shoulder and one by each knee. Each assistant should make fists with both hands, then extend the two forefingers and touch them together, gently but firmly the two assistants standing by the shoulders, place their extended forefingers under the seated persons right or left armpit. The other two assistants place their forefinger under the seated persons left or right knee.
Each assistant should make fists with both hands, then extend the two forefingers and touch them together, gently but firmly the two assistants standing by the shoulders, place their extended forefingers under the seated persons right or left armpit. The other two assistants place their forefinger under the seated persons left or right knee.
The person to be lifted thinks "down" and imagines him or herself to be sinking into the chair. In this position, the four assistants should try to lift the person.

Stage 2
The assistants should now place their palms on top of the seated persons knee or shoulders and together, exert a steady downwards force. While they are doing this someone counts out loud from one to ten. On the count of nine, the four assistants quickly take their former positions with extended forefingers under the armpit and knee. On the count often, they try again to lift the person. The seated person should think "up" and imagine him or herself rising into the air. If these instructions are followed carefully, the person will soar straight up into the air on the forefingers of the assistants. This trick is very visual and can really entertain a crowd.

Floating Bill And Small Objects Levitation

David Blaine demonstrated a classic object levitation on his TV special where he asks a spectator to watch while he picks up a leaf and causes it to levitate above his hand. This appeared to be totally impromptu which made it even more impressive. This type of levitation is performed by using "invisible Thread" which can either be purchased as a proprietary brand from good magic suppliers or by separating some fine polyester thread into individual strands and using a single strand. One end of this strand should be attached to some stick tape and placed in the mouth between the gum and cheek or a high shirt button while the other end can be placed at the right moment to a solid object (In David Blaine's case, the tree.) The magician then stands at the correct distance so that the string is tight and the object (a bill or a leaf) wrapped around the thread , which is above the magicians hand. This should look like the magician is just scrunching up the note in the palm of his hand. By using very small movements of the head or body, the magician can then tighten the thread causing the note to rise and is also able to move his hands around the object to show that it really is levitating. The object can then be made to return to the palm and be examined by the spectator. The magician can then casually walk away. The thread breaking which is not a problem as it is cheap. This trick is also performed more smoothly and discretely by use of an invisible Thread Reel, which is used by professional magicians.

Kundalini Rising Card Trick

This trick is of medium skill Effect
Using a borrowed deck, a card is selected, signed, and placed back into its pack. The pack is put inside its box for the spectator to hold. The magic happens in his hands, and slowly.... Miraculously ... the card starts to rise from the pack. The spectator immediately takes the signed card, and all can be examined after this David Blaine style trick has been performed.

Buy a spool of invisible elastic from the local magic shop. It won’t cost a lot but the effect it provides is well worth it. With the elastic, cut off just a short enough thread to make a loop around your wrist. Tie the loop, and as long as you wear it everywhere you go, you're always ready for this effect.

You can borrow a pack of cards or open a new deck in front of your spectator. Shuffle the pack to prove that they are in no particular order and give to the spectator to cut in two piles and to choose any pile that they want. Take the other pile and tell them they chose the pile they have for a reason and that a certain card is probably attracting them to it and with your back turned ask them to choose any card from the pile and to sign it. When your back is turned, you secretly vertically wrap the loop of invisible thread around your half of the pack. You can tell them that you're turning the other way and that the selection is pure honesty and that there's no way of knowing which card they would choose. Take the rest of the cards and put them with your half of the pack. Tell the spectator that their card is unique and that there is no other card in the world that looks like that one. You then take the card and plunge it into your half of the deck. Take all the cards and place them in the card box leaving it open. You then hand the box to the spectator and ask them to hold it and concentrate on the signed card. The signed card should slowly rise from the box to the amazement of the spectator. Take the card and show it to them before it has fully risen and while they are inspecting it, take the rest of the cards out of the box and remove the invisible thread where you can again slip it on your wrist. Everything is now ready for inspection and you can walk away.

Andruzzi Ascending
This trick is of medium skill

To perform the andruzzi levitation, the magician floats 6 inches off the ground with spectators in front and behind him.

What you need to do is find a pair of hard rubber shoes. I use a new pair of casual adidas superstars, don't use leather shoes, or the prepared shoe will bend during the levitation. To prepare the shoe, you need to cut a hole on the bottom of your Lifting Foot. Make sure there's about 5mm in front and back of the shoe. I also recommended wearing black socks during the presentation.

Go out and find up to four spectators. Place two of them behind you for the proper angles of the Balducci levitation. Say your lifting foot (the foot inside the prepared shoe) is your right. Have the other two spectators stand in front of you, but have them stand more to your left, and make sure they can still see both of your feet. Its then a simple matter, to slip your toes out of the uncut segment in the front of your shoe to do the normal Balducci levitation, come back down to the ground, slip your toes back into the segment, and walk away.