Minggu, 04 September 2011

The Creatrix

The Creatrix, Mark Ryden.
Whilst working for Circus Oz in 2005 I bought a limited print by the artist Mark Ryden. I had been fascinated with him for quite a few years, but had yet to purchase a proper print. Getting a print would be the only way I could have an “original” Mark Ryden on my wall since his art has long ago became unobtainable for someone on a Circus Oz wage. The print I got was by far my favorite of his works, the Creatrix. I found the lithograph print on e-bay. It was my most extravagant art purchase to date so the pre-arrival excitement was heightened by worries about being ripped off.  It arrived and to my relief it was genuine and in mint condition. I loved it and still today spend significant amounts of time staring at it, taking in the thousand truths and connective wisdoms of the complex picture.

In September 2006 I was in New York with La Clique, (then Absinth now La SoireƩ.) Nights were spent on the edge of Pier 17 in a Spiegeltent. We did rocking shows and hung out with Uncle Rob, our Soprano security man back stage. But during the days I went to the American Museum of Natural History. I stayed in NY for four weeks and visited the museum 5 times. I loved their dinosaur exhibits, spending hours just staring at these relics from deep time, a concept that still fascinates me just as much today. But the exhibit that I spent the most time on was something they called the wall of biodiversity. Basically it was a wall full of life. Organized and arranged in an explanatory and visually arresting manner. Standing before it everything seemed so beautifully connected. The lighting of the room, the whole atmosphere of the exhibits and the solemnity of the museum had deep impact on me.

Then on my last day hailing a yellow cab to go to the airport I buy an art magazine I had never read before. It was called High Fructose and it had a reproduction of a Mark Ryden print on the cover. I got a cab, got on my flight, opened the magazine to the interview with Ryden and found this:

The Wall of Biodiversity.
“The Creatrix is not about Creationism in the simple-minded Christian sense, but it is about the sublime mystery of life on earth. The painting was inspired by a visit to the Natural History Museum in New York. There is a room there called the Hall of Biodiversity. On a single wall the huge range of life forms on earth is displayed. In the painting, I wanted to capture the monumental feelings and thoughts this exhibition inspires in me.”

Now when I look at her, the Creatrix, hanging in my hallway, everything seems even more beautifully connected.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman – 29

We need to have the courage to expose our vulnerability.
Perfection is not as human as fallibility.
Small errors make life strong and beautiful.

Opening preview night of Dream Menagerie

My favorite moment of the opening night: I'm playing somewhere over the rainbow on the saw with Trent on ukulele and Derek Ives on drums. Imaan is hanging from the roof, the tent is filled with soap bubbles and Derek Scott has gotten 20 people up to dance. THEN. A couple gets up on the far end. A flash of doubt shoots through me - they are leaving. But instead they walk all the way around to the centre of the tent where they join the 10 other couples. He puts his arms around her and then they dance holding each other real close.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 28

Be playful. As you come on you have a secret and they want to know, they just don’t know it yet.
Your secret is you and your act.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 27

The crowd needs to feel that you are there for them. Reaffirm the situation, you are the performer and they the audience. Accept the situation, fully.

Lessons from the Way of the Showman - 26

Creation will take whatever time is allotted and no matter how long you have, the final week it will seem like it'll never be ready. But opening night the show is born whatever shape, form or sex it is. And you'll have to love it.

The Dream Menagerie is coming!

I have one hour left, I am eating the final supper before the Dream Menagerie becomes reality. So many hours creating, pondering, and rehearsing and it is almost there. I am thrilled and a little scared.

A documentary about me...

Just got off the phone with Hamish McCormick, the Carnival Cineman himself, and hence I am again excited about our upcoming documentary, check a teaser for it here. called like so many things I am working on at the moment "The Way of the Showman."

The exciting news is that we have secured ourselves Ben Walsh, a great musician and a friend to create a sound track for it! It will transform it completely. I just saw Ben direct a 10 person orchestra who where playing a score written by him. It lasted an hour and twenty minutes and made Shaun Tan's "the Arrival," come to life as a film. Check Ben's page about it here.