Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Melting rubber bands trick revealed

Also called the Crazy Man's Handcuffs trick. Learn how two interlocking rubber bands can be separated 'magically'. Simple and easy to do.

Firstly, take a look at how Cyril did it and then the solution to the technique. Enjoy :)

Cyril Takayama's magic - rubber bands - separating the unseparable & linking the unlinkable

Closer look at Cyril's separating 2 rubber-bands trick:

Solution to the Separating 2 rubber-bands technique:

A number of cool rubber band tricks revealed:

Coin piercing cigarette trick revealed

This is cool. Shows you how a cigarette pierces through a British coin.

You will need a real coin and a specially made one :)

Cyril Takayama's cool cigarette trick

I am always impressed with Cyril's tricks. Here's one cool trick he performed up close with cigarettes.

The clip below shows Cyril in action. He shows how a broken cigarette can be pieced back together and even have the marks erased under a lid match stick. And then he shows how an empty cigarette pack turns into a full unopen pack.

Sorry no revelations here. If you know how it was done, please share it via comments below. Thanx and enjoy!

Cool magic tricks with cigarettes revealed

Here's some cool and simple magic tricks you can perform in bars with cigarettes. Check them out!

Cigarette vanish trick - 1 (using double-sided tape)

Cigarette vanish trick - 2

Cigarette vanish trick - 3 (using saliva)

Cigarette vanish trick - 4 (not so impressive, though)

Cigarette bend trick (Apart from this video trick, you can also use a dollar bill. Take a new cigarette, roll it up tightly with the dollar bill, and then bend it in half all the way. Unroll the bill and you will find the cigarette still intact without breaking)